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Monday, June 22, 2009

Being caught up in oneself...

I realise to day, as always, that's it's really very hard to know what's going on in other people's lives. I think the world of blogs and twitter kind of sums it up that we have fleeting comments to each other, and short conversations and often things are missed. In the past week, I have been surprised to hear that friends are getting divorced, that family has lost some of their closest friends, that neighbours have been diagnosed with cancer for a second time and that others are contending with parents who've had strokes. All of these events go on without me even realising. Is this a symptom of our social networking that we learn to communicate only in soundbites.... a friend even got married on the weekend, and I was completely unawares. Someone will have a baby tomorrow and I'll be like... 'wow... I didn't even realise you were pregnant'!

I'm not saying I don't think highly of all of these people, and that I remain close to them in all sorts of ways... but it merely highlights that the larger our social network, the less time we have to spread ourselves around! It's a tough one, as it's fun to have heaps of friends... but does that make me a bad friend to show small bouts of attention to lots of friends, rather than lots of attention to a select few?

The answer of course is, 'I'm doing the best I can'... but I just want all those that are suffering to know... I'm thinking of you!


Fat Mumma xxxx

1 comment:

Stomper Girl said...

Sometimes it's just that we have our own crap to deal with, so we shut down a little bit. Nothing wrong with that, I know I had to do it recently but I'm almost ready to be interested and involved with my world at large again.